28 March

The purpose of the day

  • Exchange professional knowledge and experience
  • Meet colleagues and collaboration partners, both existing and new
  • Develop the relations between Hamburg, Copenhagen and Stockholm in the maritime, offshore and insurance area
  • Provide the basis for a recurring, annual event between the Nordic countries and Northern Germany
  • Have a good time, and network in a relaxed atmosphere

program of the day

15.00-15.10: Welcome and introductions
15.10-15.35: Important Decision regarding Insurance of Offshore Platform – Carsten Tolderlund, Windahl Sandroos & Co.
15.35-16.00: Offshore Charter Parties – Sören Thorlin and Anders Höglund, Morssing & Nycander
16.00-16.30: Networking break. Coffee, drinks and snacks will be served
16.30-17.15: Offshore Wind in DONG Energy – Jesper F. Mikkelsen, DONG Energy Wind Power
17.15-17.35: Global Limitation under Maritime Law – Jesper Windahl, WSCO
17.35- Close of the formal part of the seminar. Networking. Tapas and drinks will be served