18 April
  • Procedural escalation in international arbitration

  • can anything be done and should it?

program of the day


15.00-15.10: Welcome and introductions
15.10-15.35: Christer Söderlund, Morssing Nycander: Procedural escalation in international arbitration – can anything be done and should it?
15.35-16.00: Carsten Tolderlund, WSCO: All Risk Policies – What Constitutes Physical Damage?
16.00-16.25: Marcel Goldin, WSCO: Legal advantages for German investments in Denmark.
16.25-16.40: Networking break. Coffee, drinks and snacks will be served.
16.40-17.05: Jesper Windahl and Rósing Rasmussen, WSCO: Carrier liability for damage to goods caused by negligent construction- or repair work?
17.05-17.35 Thony Lindström Härdin, General Counsel at Floatel International: Offshore chartering – trends and challenges ahead.
17.35-18.30 Close of seminar. Networking. Refreshments will be served.