10 April

Program of the day
15:00 – 15:05: Welcome and introductions, by the law firms of Morssing & Nycander and WSCO
15:05 – 15.35: ”The Prague Rules”, by Hans Bagner, Morssing & Nycander
15:35 – 16:00: ”Delay Damages in Offshore Logistics”, by Rósing Rasmussen and Bo Sandroos, WSCO
16:00 – 16:30: Break, with coffee and snacks
16:30 – 16.55: ”Bills of Lading in the tramp trade ”, by Jesper Windahl, WSCO
16:50 – 17.30: ”Insurance, contracting and claims experience in offshore wind projects”, by John Croucher, The Standard Club UK Ltd
17:30 – 18:30: Cocktail reception and canapée